Upcoming Events

The Dark Side | 3rd Edition | Opening on Friday, 8th of November from 6pm to 9pm at our gallery space from Tower Bridge district.

Boomer Gallery, 150 Tooley Street, SE1 2TU, London.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

Does a latent shadow reside in the heart of artistic creation and within the souls of the artists themselves?

If any figure could parallel the introspective solitude of a monk, it is the visual artist. Though it may stir debate, let us reflect. Consider the profound solitude, the palpable stillness of the studio where silent hours merge into days, as the artist labors and broods over their craft, fervently hoping for the world to awaken to the brilliance of their ideas, to feel the pulse of their passion embedded in their work.

In this sacred space, sanity often hangs by a delicate thread. In that dim studio corner, the artist’s once cherished chair becomes a silent sentinel, marking the site of internal battles. Here, in the quiet chaos reminiscent of Van Gogh’s own torments, the artist faces the relentless inquisition of their worth, questioning their identity with every fleeting moment: Is my art a true reflection of my essence?

The exhibition aims to bridge the gap between the artist’s secluded atelier and the broader world, illuminating the enigmatic beauty that thrives in the shadows.

Casting light upon our exhibition is the globally celebrated art critic, Tabish Khan, who will grace our opening event on the 8th of November, delivering an insightful speech on the exhibition’s theme.

Accessibility Notice

Kindly note that the space does not have disabled access.

Previous Events

Dreams & Nightmares | 4th Edition | Opening on Friday, 11th of October from 6pm to 9pm at our gallery space from Tower Bridge district.

Boomer Gallery, 150 Tooley Street, SE1 2TU, London.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

Could dreams and nightmares be the potent driving force behind our creative processes, the mysterious catalysts igniting the flame of artistic inspiration?

A significant number of artists affirm this belief wholeheartedly.

Some find their deepest inspirations enveloped in the essence of dreams, immersing themselves in a blissful trance of creation. This state transcends mere aspiration, becoming a surreal canvas where possibilities bloom endlessly, a place where the mind wanders, seeking the sublime, the ethereal, fostering an insatiable quest to reach heights previously unimagined, somehow, somewhere.

On the flip side, many others journey through the chilling domains of nightmares, a voyage marked by relentless internal conflicts and cold sweats that pierce the stillness of the night.

These artists find themselves wrestling with the darker fragments of their psyche, exploring into corners where fears manifest and insecurities gnaw persistently. It’s a place where conflict brews, giving birth to creations steeped in raw, unfiltered emotion, art that doesn’t shy away from exposing the tumultuous storms raging within. It serves as both an exploration and an exorcism of the deep-seated darkness that resides in the corners of the human spirit. Here, the beauty arises from the conflict, the chaos, offering a catharsis that is both profound and unsettling.

“I know, I’ve been there, I am still.”

This exhibition aims to unearth the profound connections between the subconscious dream world and the pulsating, sometimes harrowing heartbeat of artistic creation, offering a sanctuary for reflection, resonance, and perhaps, revelation.

The 4th Edition of this exhibition will be curated by a renowned figure in the art world, someone many of you are familiar with both from the broader art scene and as the Editor-in-Chief of our art magazine, Mr. Anthony Fawcett.

Accessibility Notice

Kindly note that the space does not have disabled access.

Exhibition catalog HERE

Vogue | 7th Edition | Opening on Friday, 6th of September from 6pm to 9pm at our gallery space from Tower Bridge district.

Boomer Gallery, 150 Tooley Street, SE1 2TU, London.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

What is the right approach to contemporary art when there is so much going on?

There is so much going on in art right now that we often feel confused and we ask ourselves- why is a certain artist successful and I'm not?

Well, nobody has a straight forward answer for this question but if we get a closer look at the very successful artists we often see a pattern, they tend to get inspired from each other, they follow the VOGUE.

The aim of this exhibition is to see how contemporary artists respond to contemporary world and to connect them and their work with an wider audience.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

Accessibility Notice

Kindly note that the space does not have disabled access.

Exhibition catalog HERE

The New Artist | 7th Edition | Opening on Friday, 9th of August from 6pm to 9pm at our gallery space from Tower Bridge district.

Boomer Gallery, 150 Tooley Street, SE1 2TU, London.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

In the past century, humankind has witnessed unprecedented innovation and transformation- from towering skyscrapers to moon landings, from the rise of social media to the evolution of human rights. But what about Art?

In our fast-paced society, where time feels increasingly scarce, artists face an ever more challenging path. The relentless pace of change demands a state of constant transcendence, a theme profoundly echoed in contemporary art.

This exhibition aims to explore into these trends in contemporary art, fostering a dialogue between artists and viewers. We invite you to join us in this exploration, where the pulse of today’s art world meets the timeless human quest for meaning.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

Accessibility Notice

Kindly note that the space does not have disabled access.

Exhibition catalog HERE

Fragments Of Identity | 1st Edition | Opening on Friday, 12th of July from 6pm to 9pm at our gallery space from Tower Bridge district.

Boomer Gallery, 150 Tooley Street, SE1 2TU, London.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

What defines our identity in the 21st century? How do the fragments of our experiences shape who we are?

The exploration of identity in contemporary art is more compelling than ever. Can viewers see beyond the surface and ask themselves why we create certain works the way we do?

Humans have been artists since the beginning of time, from cave paintings to the complete beauty of the Renaissance, to the contemporary and conflictual world we live in today. In this continuum, the concept of identity remains as varied and multifaceted as the artists themselves.

“Fragments of Identity” aims to showcase this diversity, highlighting how each piece contributes to the broader conversation about what defines us. Some artists go into the depths of personal history and cultural heritage, while others experiment with new forms and mediums, continuously reshaping the understanding of self.

This exhibition is designed not just to display art, but to ignite dialogue about the multiple facets of identity in contemporary society. It demonstrates that our sense of self is not singular but a collection of experiences and influences, each valuable and significant.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

Accessibility Notice

Kindly note that the space does not have disabled access.

Exhibition catalog HERE

What Is Art | 7th Edition | Opening on Friday, 7th of June from 6pm to 9pm at our gallery space from Tower Bridge district.

Boomer Gallery, 150 Tooley Street, SE1 2TU, London. Guest Of Honour: The World Renowned Art Critic, Tabish Khan.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

What is art in the 21st century? What Makes It Valuable?

The discourse on the nature of art in the 21st century has never been more intriguing. While some creators remain firmly rooted in the traditions of their craft, others boldly venture into uncharted territories, invoking a constant debate around the central question - What Is Art? What makes it valuable?

In the modern art world, it’s evident that success doesn’t adhere to a single style or approach. The diverse paths taken by some of the world’s most renowned and affluent artists underscore the idea that every unique style of art can become valuable.

This exhibition is designed not merely to showcase art but to stimulate conversation between divergent paths within contemporary art. The aim is to prove that success in the art world is not a monolithic concept but a spectrum of possibilities, each as valid and valuable as the next.

For the grand opening of this exhibition on June 7th, we are honored to host one of the world’s foremost art experts, Tabish Khan. He will share his unique insights and illuminate the nuances of contemporary art at this seminal event.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

Accessibility Notice

Kindly note that the space does not have disabled access.

The Dark Side | Second Edition | Opening on Friday, 10th of May from 6pm to 9pm at our gallery space from Tower Bridge district.

Boomer Gallery, 150 Tooley Street, SE1 2TU, London.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

Does a latent shadow reside in the heart of artistic creation and within the souls of the artists themselves?

If any figure could parallel the introspective solitude of a monk, it is the visual artist. Though it may stir debate, let us reflect. Consider the profound solitude, the palpable stillness of the studio where silent hours merge into days, as the artist labors and broods over their craft, fervently hoping for the world to awaken to the brilliance of their ideas, to feel the pulse of their passion embedded in their work.

In this sacred space, sanity often hangs by a delicate thread. In that dim studio corner, the artist’s once cherished chair becomes a silent sentinel, marking the site of internal battles. Here, in the quiet chaos reminiscent of Van Gogh’s own torments, the artist faces the relentless inquisition of their worth, questioning their identity with every fleeting moment: Is my art a true reflection of my essence?

The exhibition aims to bridge the gap between the artist’s secluded atelier and the broader world, illuminating the enigmatic beauty that thrives in the shadows.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

Tropical Fluxus,’ by Luiza Gottschalk, Winner of the First ‘Boomer Art Prize’ | First Edition (2023)

Exhibition Opening this Friday April 26th, 6-9 PM, at Our Gallery Space near Tower Bridge, London.”

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

The tropical forest is the biggest inspiration for Luiza Gottschalk’s artistic practice. As a process painter, each work is constructed from contact with matter and the path of the colored waters itself that reveals the images the artist develops in the studio. In contact with water and oil, visceral and organic gestures presents the fluid and vibrant painting that Luiza Gottschalk shows for the first time in London. Some figures seem to emerge from the abstraction pictorial tropical forest from where she was raised. All very tactile, exuberant and energetic paintings series comes with the perceiving nature flux both cosmically, perhaps seen from another universe - zoom out - and microscopically - zoom in. @luizagottschalk

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

Luiza Gottschalk (b. 1984, Brazil) is an artist based in São Paulo who paints passionately, giving body and soul to artistic creation. Interested in the action and natural chemical interactions that take place in the studio. She is deeply engaged with the actual process, guided by color, light, and matter. Layered overlays. The artist spent her first nine years living in the woods of the Mantiqueira Mountains. Her paintings evoke the power and visceral character of nature in the “crying mountains” — which is what the word Mantiqueira means in the indigenous language Tupi-Guarani. Luiza applies extra water to mineral pigments, causing them to run through thin fabrics placed over a canvas and discovering the paths they reveal to her. Her paintings are created by the very trails traced by the colored water. It’s about alchemy, but also about a silent conversation with the painting, mostly by listening and being open to what the work process reveals to her; “I see painting as a kind of portal between the planet of potentials and the planet of matter - which is where we live in. I want my works to perform the communication between them. Between planets. Between Van Gogh's capacity for emotion people and Max Ernst's fixation on juxtaposed textures and strangeness lie my desires as an artist. Color, matter and textures coexisting harmoniously to reveal images, previously submerged in the unconscious. Images, in the plural.”

The show will run until the 2nd of May.

To inquire about the available works, kindly email us at email@boomergallery.net.

Dreams & Nightmare | Third Edition | Opening on Friday, 12th of April from 6pm to 9pm at our gallery space from Tower Bridge district.

Boomer Gallery, 150 Tooley Street, SE1 2TU, London.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

Could dreams and nightmares be the potent driving force behind our creative processes, the mysterious catalysts igniting the flame of artistic inspiration?

A significant number of artists affirm this belief wholeheartedly.

Some find their deepest inspirations enveloped in the essence of dreams, immersing themselves in a blissful trance of creation. This state transcends mere aspiration, becoming a surreal canvas where possibilities bloom endlessly, a place where the mind wanders, seeking the sublime, the ethereal, fostering an insatiable quest to reach heights previously unimagined, somehow, somewhere.

On the flip side, many others journey through the chilling domains of nightmares, a voyage marked by relentless internal conflicts and cold sweats that pierce the stillness of the night.

These artists find themselves wrestling with the darker fragments of their psyche, exploring into corners where fears manifest and insecurities gnaw persistently. It's a place where conflict brews, giving birth to creations steeped in raw, unfiltered emotion, art that doesn't shy away from exposing the tumultuous storms raging within. It serves as both an exploration and an exorcism of the deep-seated darkness that resides in the corners of the human spirit. Here, the beauty arises from the conflict, the chaos, offering a catharsis that is both profound and unsettling.

“I know, I’ve been there, I am still.”

This exhibition aims to unearth the profound connections between the subconscious dream world and the pulsating, sometimes harrowing heartbeat of artistic creation, offering a sanctuary for reflection, resonance, and perhaps, revelation.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

Inner World | First Edition | Opening on Friday, 8th of March from 6pm to 9pm at our gallery space from Tower Bridge district.

Boomer Gallery, 150 Tooley Street, SE1 2TU, London.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

What’s behind every artistic creation, how many emotions, how many thoughts?

In the 2023 exhibitions program, we have focused more on connecting the artworks with the world. This year, we are focusing more on the mysterious world of the creator, the artist- slave and God at the same time, a slave of deep thoughts and the absolute God of his creation.

What does one feel looking at an artwork, something that was created out of nothing?

Do we absorb the immediate visual impact and stop there, or maybe we go further and contemplate in our mind- who is the artist, how fiercely they love, what do they feel in the moment of creation- struggle, joy, despair, what’s their inner world?

The artist is the eye of our own imaginations, the God that turns something immaterial and without logic into something that we can see, touch, smell, and contemplate about.

This exhibition seeks to transcend the visual boundaries of art, inviting the viewer into the mysterious inner sanctum of its creator.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

The Dark Side | First Edition | Opening on Friday, 9th of February from 6pm to 9pm at our gallery space from Tower Bridge district.

Boomer Gallery, 150 Tooley Street, SE1 2TU, London.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

Does a latent shadow reside in the heart of artistic creation and within the souls of the artists themselves?

If any figure could parallel the introspective solitude of a monk, it is the visual artist. Though it may stir debate, let us reflect. Consider the profound solitude, the palpable stillness of the studio where silent hours merge into days, as the artist labors and broods over their craft, fervently hoping for the world to awaken to the brilliance of their ideas, to feel the pulse of their passion embedded in their work.

In this sacred space, sanity often hangs by a delicate thread. In that dim studio corner, the artist’s once cherished chair becomes a silent sentinel, marking the site of internal battles. Here, in the quiet chaos reminiscent of Van Gogh’s own torments, the artist faces the relentless inquisition of their worth, questioning their identity with every fleeting moment: Is my art a true reflection of my essence?

The exhibition aims to bridge the gap between the artist’s secluded atelier and the broader world, illuminating the enigmatic beauty that thrives in the shadows.

Casting light upon our exhibition is the globally celebrated art critic, Tabish Khan, who will grace our opening event on the 9th of February, delivering an insightful speech on the exhibition’s theme. Mr. Khan will also write an article about the exhibition, to be published in the well-known FAD Magazine.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

Dreams & Nightmares | 2nd Edition | Opening on Friday, 12th of January from 6pm to 9pm at our gallery space from Tower Bridge district.

Boomer Gallery, 150 Tooley Street, SE1 2TU, London.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

Could dreams and nightmares be the potent driving force behind our creative processes, the mysterious catalysts igniting the flame of artistic inspiration?

A significant number of artists affirm this belief wholeheartedly.

Some find their deepest inspirations enveloped in the essence of dreams, immersing themselves in a blissful trance of creation. This state transcends mere aspiration, becoming a surreal canvas where possibilities bloom endlessly, a place where the mind wanders, seeking the sublime, the ethereal, fostering an insatiable quest to reach heights previously unimagined, somehow, somewhere.

On the flip side, many others journey through the chilling domains of nightmares, a voyage marked by relentless internal conflicts and cold sweats that pierce the stillness of the night.

These artists find themselves wrestling with the darker fragments of their psyche, exploring into corners where fears manifest and insecurities gnaw persistently. It's a place where conflict brews, giving birth to creations steeped in raw, unfiltered emotion, art that doesn't shy away from exposing the tumultuous storms raging within. It serves as both an exploration and an exorcism of the deep-seated darkness that resides in the corners of the human spirit. Here, the beauty arises from the conflict, the chaos, offering a catharsis that is both profound and unsettling.

“I know, I’ve been there, I am still.”

This exhibition aims to unearth the profound connections between the subconscious dream world and the pulsating, sometimes harrowing heartbeat of artistic creation, offering a sanctuary for reflection, resonance, and perhaps, revelation.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

The New Artist | 6th Edition | Opening on Friday, 15th of December from 6pm to 9pm at our gallery space from Tower Bridge district.

Boomer Gallery, 150 Tooley Street, SE1 2TU, London.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

In the last hundred years, humankind has seen unprecedented innovations and changes, from skyscrapers to moon landings, to social media, to human rights, to Art...?

At this very moment in our society, everything moves incredibly fast, time doesn’t seem sufficient anymore. Artists seem to find their path much harder, the ongoing changes create a need for a continuous state of transcendence, and this is reflected in contemporary art.

The aim of this exhibition is to explore the trends in contemporary art and to create a dialogue between the artists and the viewers.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

Why Do You Do It? | 1st Edition | Opening on Friday, 10th of November from 6pm to 9pm at our gallery space from Tower Bridge district.

Boomer Gallery, 150 Tooley Street, SE1 2TU, London.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

Why do we create art? For what purpose? What drives us?

This question has perplexed humanity for decades, yet a definitive answer eludes us.

Are we motivated by the idea of fame and wealth, or is there a deeper calling?

From the dawn of civilization, individuals have sought to leave their imprint multitude ways, on cave walls, papyrus, etc. In ancient times, a cave painting wasn't shared widely like today's viral content, it was often witnessed by just a few. Thus, the intrinsic urge to craft art surely goes beyond mere pursuit of riches and acclaim.

Beyond the raw need to express and offer a window into our inner world, we yearn for others to discern the silent truths of our existence. Like the generations that preceded us, we aspire to leave behind a legacy and simultaneously, we can't help but contemplate: will the world recognize our sacrifices, the depth of our love, and the passion that fueled our creations, or will they be lost in the eternity of time?

This exhibition aims to spotlight the essence behind each artistic creation, underscoring that every piece tells a unique tale awaiting discovery.

Excitingly, the globally celebrated art critic, Tabish Khan, will grace our opening event on the 10th of November, delivering an insightful speech on the exhibition's theme.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

Dreams & Nightmares | 1st Edition | Opening on Friday, 13th of October from 6pm to 9pm at our gallery space from Tower Bridge district.

Boomer Gallery, 150 Tooley Street, SE1 2TU, London.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

Could dreams and nightmares be the potent driving force behind our creative processes, the mysterious catalysts igniting the flame of artistic inspiration?

A significant number of artists affirm this belief wholeheartedly.

Some find their deepest inspirations enveloped in the essence of dreams, immersing themselves in a blissful trance of creation. This state transcends mere aspiration, becoming a surreal canvas where possibilities bloom endlessly, a place where the mind wanders, seeking the sublime, the ethereal, fostering an insatiable quest to reach heights previously unimagined, somehow, somewhere.

On the flip side, many others journey through the chilling domains of nightmares, a voyage marked by relentless internal conflicts and cold sweats that pierce the stillness of the night.

These artists find themselves wrestling with the darker fragments of their psyche, exploring into corners where fears manifest and insecurities gnaw persistently. It's a place where conflict brews, giving birth to creations steeped in raw, unfiltered emotion, art that doesn't shy away from exposing the tumultuous storms raging within. It serves as both an exploration and an exorcism of the deep-seated darkness that resides in the corners of the human spirit. Here, the beauty arises from the conflict, the chaos, offering a catharsis that is both profound and unsettling.

“I know, I’ve been there, I am still.”

This exhibition aims to unearth the profound connections between the subconscious dream world and the pulsating, sometimes harrowing heartbeat of artistic creation, offering a sanctuary for reflection, resonance, and perhaps, revelation.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

What Is Art | 6th Edition | Opening on Friday, 8th of September from 6pm to 9pm at our gallery space from Tower Bridge district.

Boomer Gallery, 150 Tooley Street, SE1 2TU, London.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

What is art in the 21st century? What Makes It Valuable?

The discourse on the nature of art in the 21st century has never been more intriguing. While some creators remain firmly rooted in the traditions of their craft, others boldly venture into uncharted territories, invoking a constant debate around the central question - What Is Art? What makes it valuable?

In the modern art world, it's evident that success doesn't adhere to a single style or approach. The diverse paths taken by some of the world's most renowned and affluent artists underscore the idea that every unique style of art can become valuable.

'Art' is not an easily defined concept. This is why we've invited two of the world's leading art experts to share their insights at the opening event of this exhibition on the 8th of September:

Yuxi Wang, International Project Director from Shanghai Himalayas Museum, and Anthony Fawcett, art critic and historian from Oxford University.

Yuxi Wang's vast experience as an International Project Director at a renowned museum equips her with a deep understanding of global art trends and practices. Her insights will be invaluable, providing us a unique perspective on the diverse world of contemporary art.

A highly respected art critic and historian, Anthony Fawcett is renowned for his collaborations with iconic artists such as Man Ray, John Lennon, Yoko Ono, and Andy Warhol. His significant contributions to the "Anthony Fawcett Archive" project with the Tate Gallery further enhance his status. His insights into "What Is Art?" are sure to be invaluable.

This exhibition is designed not merely to showcase art but to stimulate conversation between divergent paths within contemporary art. The aim is to prove that success in the art world is not a monolithic concept but a spectrum of possibilities, each as valid and valuable as the next.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

The New Artist | 5th Edition | Opening on Friday, 11th of August from 6pm to 9pm at our gallery space from Tower Bridge area.

Boomer Gallery, 150 Tooley Street, SE1 2TU, London.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

In the past century, humanity has leapt from the moon landing to the rise of social media, from the defense of human rights to the birth of new art forms. We're living in an era of accelerated change that requires us to transcend, adapt, and redefine.

You, as artists, are our eyes in the storm, our pioneers and truth-seekers. You turn challenges into inspiration, question the status quo, and manifest the soul of our era.

Our upcoming exhibition offers you a stage to reflect the pulse of our rapidly changing world. The goal is to understand current trends in contemporary art and foster a dynamic conversation between you, the artists, and your audience.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

the new renaissance opening event

The New Renaissance | 1st Edition | Opening on Friday, 7th of July from 6pm to 9pm at our gallery space from Tower Bridge area.

Boomer Gallery, 150 Tooley Street, SE1 2TU, London.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

'The New Renaissance' rings out as a clarion call to artists everywhere, across all mediums, styles, and visions. We warmly invite you to join us in this multifaceted exploration of contemporary creativity.

This forthcoming exhibition is more than a showcase of art; it's a rendezvous point, a resurgence of the limitless spirit of discovery and expression that epitomized the Renaissance, yet reimagined for the vivid complexities of our modern world.

With this exhibition, our objective is to experience 'The New Renaissance' through your distinctive lens as artists. Your work forms the prism through which we strive to understand and appreciate this dynamic, collective revival. It is you, the artists, whom we invite to breathe life into 'The New Renaissance.'

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

a flyer for the vogue sixth edition opening event in london

Vogue | 6th Edition | Opening on Friday, 9th of June from 6pm to 9pm at our gallery space from Tower Bridge area.

Boomer Gallery, 150 Tooley Street, SE1 2TU, London.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP!

What is the right approach to contemporary art when there is so much going on?

There is so much going on in art right now that we often feel confused and we ask ourselves- why is a certain artist successful and I’m not?

Well, nobody has a straight forward answer for this question but if we get a closer look at the very successful artists we often see a pattern, they tend to get inspired from each other, they follow the VOGUE.

The aim of this exhibition is to see how contemporary artists respond to contemporary world and to connect them and their work with an wider audience.

NO RSVP! Everyone is welcome!

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